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Data For Revenue

Get Started
Helping small publishers use data to find your audiences and how they can generate revenue. Being smart with data doesn't need to be complicated!
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We Help Publishers to: 

Collect Data You Need

Use different sources to determine your audience's:

  • Attitudes
  • Behaviors
  • Geographic locations
  • Demographics

Connect It

Connect your data across your platforms

Data connection visual

Action It

  • White checkmark

    Key Answers

  • Segments icon


  • Roadmap icon

    Stragegy/ Roadmaps

Peekskill Herald logo
Regina Clarkin, Publisher
Regina Clarkin, Publisher

"Upside Analytics made it easier for us to leverage data we had but didn't have time to analyze. They help us identify and target the audience that is most likely to support our work financially.  Both revenue growth and donor retention are going up.”  
  • The Peekskill Herald wanted to leverage its data to understand their user base and raise more audience revenue.
  • Upside connected Google Analytics, Mailchimp, and Stripe data to segment their audience and determine who to focus on.
  • The results:
  • Improved Engagement: a 20% higher rate in email engagement among target segments
  • Increased Conversion Rate: more than double from 5% in Sept to 11% in Nov for the target segment

Get more value from your tools

We can help you leverage your existing connections to a range of systems and tools
ArcXP logo
survey monkey logo
News Revenue Hub Logo
google tag manager
Google Analytics
New Revenue Hub

Our experience with smart people in the subscription business

260% growth in subscribers
Growth in paid subscribers and donors over 4 yrs
30 years of experience
Years of analytics and insights experience
3 data types to start segmentation
3 data types to start a smart segmentation

Meet One of Our Founders

Nick Nyhan Headshot
Nick Nyhan
  • 25 years of data / analytics experience, including with The New York Times on audience revenue.
  • Taking what he saw working with larger publishers and make possible for smaller ones.
  • As a small business founder, he knows things need to be doable, simple, and cost-effective.
  • The son of Boston Globe reporter/columnist, Nick appreciates the value of local news.
  • Speaker at industry events on first party-data, audience insights and revenue, innovation.

Upside Makes It Easier

leverage first part data

Leverage Data

What do you really know about your users and how can you make that information work for you?
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use email and paywall platforms

Use Your Platforms

We can get more value from features in the email and payment platforms you're already using.
improve conversion

Improve Conversion

Get more reader revenue by being smarter about who to ask, what to ask and how to ask.
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Check Out Our News and Conversations

upside analytics smart and affordabledecorative pixelationdecorative pixelation
Avoid complexity

Our Approach

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Collect Data You Need

We can help you use a range of tools and platforms to understand the attitudes, behaviors, demographics and geographical locations of your audiences.
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Use What You Have and Expand

We have built and implemented our solution into some leading publishing platforms so you don't need to buy a whole new system.
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About Us

We've done it for the big publishers - 30 years of analytics and insights expertise with leading publishers and platforms.

Still have questions?

We have (almost) all the answers
Read the blog
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